Mission: Feed the Poor & Hungry

Founded in July 1992, the San Martin de Porres Soup Kitchen is committed to addressing hunger and supporting those in need. In collaboration with local officials and the Director of the HUD Program, we operate out of the Apple Valley Senior Center, providing hot lunches five days a week, Monday through Friday. Additionally, we offer food boxes to individuals referred to us by our partner agencies, ensuring access to essential nourishment for those in need.
The SMDP Soup Kitchen serves all who are hungry and are in need of food, regardless of ethnicity, race or religion.
The operation of the SMDP Soup Kitchen is very simple and is managed and maintained by its volunteers. The volunteers prepare and serve all of the meals. They are also responsible for the clean-up and maintenance of the facilities. Many people volunteer one set day every month. If you or your organization wish to volunteer, please contact us!
Any amount you can give will help us feed those in need. Tax deductible donations can be made by cash, check or through PayPal. Food donations are also appreciated. Please call to schedule drop off times for food.
Do you know someone who goes without lunch daily or could use a good meal? Send them our way! Many people do not know we are there for them.
Your generous contribution will help us feed those in need in the Espanola Valley and surrounding communities.